The JW theology is definitely anti-Semitic, or at least it was when I was young. They kind of went away from the hardcore beliefs, but the early WT was definitely anti-Jewish (look up Rutherford’s Declaration of Facts or the Life book).
The old publications had sentences as late as 1946 that blamed Jews for the Holocaust (for rejecting Christ), that was later revised in the 1950s re-releases of Watchtower but still many JWs today believe this and other anti-Semitic tropes.
Even today, their website says that there is no scriptural support for political Zionism, but we are completely neutral on the subject (after saying it is against scripture). As with all the other double speak, there is a message there for JWs and for the world, and they’re different. There is another article on that basically says they are ‘the chosen people’ and thus “spiritually” JWs are the real Jews because they rejected Jesus. This is both an anti-Semitic trope and is similar to Black Hebrew movement that is an anti-Semitic group that claims black people are the real Jews and therefore modern Jews have no claims to either heritage or land. In modern times, JW don’t go quite that far in writing, but it seems implied.